Thursday 24 October 2013

Remediating for 140 characters

The use of twitter over the week has been a very interesting experience, having not used twitter much over the years it was difficult for me to see how it could be used in a positive way for research. However, as I began to use the various elements that twitter has I could easily see that it is indeed a very effective tool in the way of gathering information as well as connecting with others who share the same interests. In order to connect with those who were tweeting about topics that were of interest to me I used the hash tag function. This function allows all tweets that contain the same tagged word to be grouped together, allowing for the user to see all tweets that are about that subject at the click of a button. When tweeting about stories that have been on the web recently the most relevant # that I included was #travel, this was due to the fact that my subject and topic of interest was travel. Other hash tags that I included within my tweets were things such as adventure, world and tips; I used the function to include these words as they are all connected to the main idea of travel, therefore by doing this if users weren’t necessarily searching the travel hash tag they could still be linked back to my account.


All of you who haven't had the chance to #travel the #world, here are some of the reasons I love to #travel! …

Research, research, research people! Some of the best #tips to know before you set off for your next #adventure …


13 tips for roaming the world freely and safely (@huffposttravel)

Classic Paris: a fresh look at the City of Light  #lp #travel (@lonelyplanet)

Food, glorious food! Tour de dessert: Europe's most delicious pastries, cakes and tarts  #lp #travel (@lonelyplanet)



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